Do you know what the saying perro muerto no muerde? In this post you can find its meaning and other sayings with dogs.

Our Spanish students sometimes ask us, what does it take to speak like a Spaniard? Obviously, you have to know the grammar and have a broad vocabulary. A tip that we give you, is to use the sayings  and the Spanish sayings in your daily life. This way, that will make your speech more natural. A few weeks ago we published a post about the sayings about meteorology. Also, to learn Spanish a bit more, we teach you sayings with animals. Particularly, where today we will speak about sayings with dogs.

Top-10 sayings with dogs:

El mejor amigo, un perro. It says that the best friend of a human being is a dog, since he is a very faithful animal.Cual el dueño, tal el perro: denota la influencia de unas personas en otras.

Perro muerto no muerde. If the cause disappears, with it the effects.

A otro perro con su hueso. When we do not believe something that they are telling us or promising. With this we say that the person goes with his lies to other people and we do not believe him.

Al perro que duerme, no lo despiertes. Do not deal with an issue that can bring us problems.

Vale más caro el collar que el perro.  It is used when the main thing has less value than the accessories.

A perro flaco todo son pulgas. Applied to the destitute, when misfortune catches with them.

Más vale perro vivo que león muerto. It is preferable to be alive without any authority to be dead.

Perro ladrador, poco mordedor. It is said of someone who threatens a lot and then does nothing.

Perros y gatos, distintos platos. Here it refers to the difference that exists between certain animals and relatives.

We hope you enjoyed our post and you encourage us to use these sayings in your speech. Soon, our Spanish school in Valencia will publish more post to help you study Spanish. Meanwhile, on Friday we will tell you about the most outstanding events in Valencia this weekend.

See you soon!