When we talk to people, we express opinions, especially during a conversation or a discussion. Knowing how to express opinions is a necessary skill in every language because it allows us to express ourselves and our point of view.
If you want to learn more about how to express opinions in Spanish our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem invite you to read the post below, it will help you!
Firstly, we have to take a look at grammar construction as we will use different moods depending on the type of sentences.
In affirmative sentences we use the indicative mood.
For example:
Yo creo que el aumento de la contaminación es preocupante = I think the increase of pollution is alarming.
In negative sentences we use the subjunctive mood.
For example:
No considero que la solución sea aumentar la edad de jubilación = I don’t think that the solution is to increase the retirement age.
On the contrary, if we are having a discussion in Spanish and we want to convince the person we are talking to we can use lots of expressions to introduce the sentence.
Therefore, when we want to ask for an opinion we can introduce our question by using specific expressions, for example:
¿Qué piensas/crees/opines de…? (=What do you think about…? )
¿Qué te parece a ti?
¿Cuál es tu opinión? (=What’s your opinion about…?)
¿Cuál es tu punto de vista? (=What’s your point of view…?)
Y tú, ¿Cómo lo ves?
To express our opinion we have more possibilities in Spanish than in English. In fact, in Spanish we can use verbs like creer (to believe), pensar (to think), opinar, suponer (to suppose), sospechar (to suspect), imaginar (to guess), considerar (to consider)… or expressions like:
Creo, pienso, opino, considero que… (=I think, believe that…)
Para mí…
(A mí) me parece que…
En mi opinión… (=In my opinion…)
A mi juicio/parecer…
Desde mi punto de vista… (=From my point of view…)
Está clarísimo que…
So, if in a discussion or in a conversation we agree with someone, we can use expressions like these:
Estoy de acuerdo contigo/con lo que dices (=I agree with you…)
Comparto tu opinión/tu punto de vista (=I share your opinion…)
Tienes razón (=You are right…)
Pienso lo mismo que tú (=I think like you…)
Estoy a favor de…
A mí también/tampoco me parece que…
Sí, es verdad que…
Yo también lo creo
On the other hand, when we disagree with someone, we can use some expressions to introduce our opinion and at the same time add information or arguments:
No estoy (nada) de acuerdo contigo (=I don’t agree/disagree with you)
No comparto tu opinión/tu punto de vista (=I don’t think that…)
No tienes razón/No pienso lo mismo que tú (=I don’t think like you…)
Pues, yo no lo veo así
Estoy en contra de…
Estás equivocado (=you are wrong…)
No creo que sea cierto
De ninguna manera (=Certainly not!)
Yo no diría eso. Lo que pasa es que…
A mi modo de ver…
We really hope this blog about how to express opinions helped you to speed your Spanish learning process 🙂
If you want to learn more about Spanish language and grammar, we will be more than happy to welcome you at our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem in Valencia.
Have a good day and till the next blog!