Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer, author of several best sellers worldwide. She is the favorite author of some of our students of the Spanish course.

Speaking of Hispanic culture, we not only refer to Spanish culture but also to all Spanish-speaking countries. Weekly in our blog we give you tips to learn Spanish through books, series and movies. For example, recently we talked about the Mexican cartoons and the most famous Mexican director. So, today we are going to Chile to know the works of the best writer in the country, Isabel Allende.

Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer, a close relative of Salvador Allende, president of Chile between 1970-1973. The author is considered the most read writer of the most read Spanish language in the world.  His works have been translated into 42 languages ​​and have won multiple literary awards.


The House of Spirits

It is a magical realism novel written in 1982. It tells the story of the Trueba family over four generations through social and political changes in postcolonial Chile. In this book intertwine the themes of love and family, politics and ideals, death and ghosts…

Likewise, it is the first Isabel Allende novel that quickly became a world-class bestseller. Also, 10 years later a movie of the same name was released, starring Meryl Streep, Winona Ryder and Antonio Banderas.


Agnes of my soul

It is a book that tells the life of Inés Suárez, the first Spanish woman to arrive in Chile in the sixteenth century. His life was closely linked with the military and the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia. Both characters played an important role in the founding of the current city of Santiago de Chile and its defense during the Apache siege of 1541.


Eva Luna

The book is named after its protagonist who tells stories about the people around her. Through these stories we know the history of the twentieth century of the country. In this way, we talk about the social context and injustices, penetrating into the depths of human life.

However, the novel had a sequel to the book “The tales of Eva Luna”. This book contains 23 stories told by Eva Luna herself who were later adapted for film and theater.

We hope our reviews encourage you to read these fantastic books. During our Spanish courses we always recommend our students read in Spanish to improve their vocabulary. However, soon we will publish more post about the Spanish culture and traditions.

Happy Monday!