Suggesting plans in Spanish is a very important topic to learn for all students. Get ready to make plans with your friends with the blog of our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem 😉
Today we will give to all our students of the Spanish course some tips about suggesting plans in Spanish.
If you are willing to go out with your new friends and have some good time in Valencia, get a look at this post. You will easily learn how to suggest plans and nice activities to do 🙂
So, let’s start!
There are some expressions that you will frequently hear from Spanish people while they are making plans. Here below we analyse the most frequently used.
1. Using the 1st plural person of the present indicative. In this case, we formulate it as a question.
¿Vamos a ver la película de Star Trek mañana?
Shall we go to watch Star Trek tomorrow?
¿Encargamos comida mejicana esta noche?
Shall we order Mexican food tonight?
If we use the verb PODER (to can), the sentence is not a question anymore, but it a simple affirmative sentence.
Podemos hacer un pic-nic para celebrar tu cumpleaños
We could organize a pic-nic to celebrate your birthday
2. ¿Por qué no + present indicative of the 2nd person singular, 2nd person plural, 1ts person singular.
¿Por qué no te vienes conmigo a la playa?
Why don’t you come with me to the beach?
¿Por qué no vamos a Madrid este fin de semana?
Why don’t we go to Madrid this weekend?
3. Quieres + infinitive
As the above mentioned case, we ask a person if he/she is willing to do something.
¿Quieres ir a pasear?
Do you want to go for a walk?
4. The verb APETECER (to feel like)
Similarly to the previous case, we ask someone if she/he feels like doing what we suggest.
You can use this structure to directly address one person or a group of people. Therefore, we use either the 2nd person singular or plural, respectively.
¿Te apetece comer un helado?
Do you feel like having an ice-cream?
¿Os apetece ir a visitar a la abuela?
Do you feel like going to visit the granny?
5. ¿Qué te parece si…..?
When we begin our sentence this way, we always use the present indicative conjugation of the verb (2nd- person singular or plural) after the conjunction SI
In this case, we ask the other person what he/she thinks of doing something.
¿Qué te parece si compramos unos sándwiches para la cena?
What do you think if we buy some sandwich for dinner?
¿Qué os parece si nos vamos de compras?
What do you think if we go shopping?
6. ¿Qué tal si….?
Also for this structure, we use the present indicative conjugation of the verb (2nd- person plural)
In this case, the phrase can be translated in English as “How about”
¿Qué tal si alquilamos un coche par air a Francia?
How about renting a car to go to France?
¿Qué tal si pasamos la Navidad en India?
How about spending Christmas in India?
We really hope this post about suggesting plans on Spanish help you learning process.
As usual, we will wait for you at our Spanish school el Rincón del Tándem where you will learn this and much more about grammar and language.
So, sing up here and start increasing your Spanish level with our cheap Spanish courses in Valencia 😉
Till the next blog!