Today we will dive into colloquial language by learning the most common Spanish idioms with caer. Take a look at the blog of our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem and get familiar with expressions that will make you sound like a native Spanish speaker 😊

Today, we will focus on Spanish verbs; specifically, we will learn the Spanish idioms with caer that are most frequently used by Spaniards.

During Spanish lessons at our school, teachers always help students improve their speaking skills in Spanish by teaching them how to use idioms and set phrases.

If you also want to make your Spanish sounds more authentic, let’s take a look at these Spanish idioms.

1. Caer bien a alguien: To make a good impression on somebody

  • Tu abuela me cae bien; tiene un carácter muy alegre = I like your grandmother; she is really cheerful

2. Caerse bien: To get on well

  • Olivia y Natalia se cayeron bien desde el primer momento = Olvia y Natalia got on well from the start

3. Caer mal a alguien: To rub somebody the wrong way

  • El perro del vecino me cae mal. Siempre está ladrando = The neighbour’s dog rubs me in the wrong way. He is always barking

4. Caer del cielo: To dropo or fall into somebody’s lap. This expression is used when something good comes to somebody, unexpectedly and with no effort.

  • Este viaje me ha caído del cielo…no estaba nada planeado = This trip just fell into my lap…it wasn’t planned at all

5. Caer en el olvido: To be forgotten, to fall into oblivion

  • El ejemplo que dieron estas enfermeras nunca caerá en el olvido = The example set by these nurses will never be forgotten

6. Caer en saco roto: To be ignored, to fall on deaf ears

  • Nuestra petición cayó en saco roto = Our request fell on deaf ears

7. Caer (+ a date, a day of the week): To fall on, to occurr on

  • Este año el 1 de mayo cae domingo = This year May 1 falls on Sunday

8. Caer enfermo/a: To get sick , to fall ill

  • El sábado pasado caí enferma y no fui a patinar = Last Saturday I got sick and I didn’t go skating

9. Caer en algo: To remember something

  • ¿Te recuerdas de la hermana de Laura? – Mmm…ahora no caigo = Do you rememebr Laura’s sister? – Mmm…Now I dont’remember

10. Caer en la cuenta de: To realise that

  • Ahora caigo en la cuenta de que te estabas riendo de mí = Now I realise that you were making fun of me

An exclamation that you will probably hear a lot is: ¡Ahora caigo!
That means “Now I get it! / It makes sense!” Spaniards use it when they suddenly realise something.

  • ¡Ahora caigo! Marta me preguntó por ti porque le gustas… = Now I get it! Marta asked me about you because she likes you

11. Caer en la tentación: To fall into temptation

  • Dejé de fumar hace tres años, pero ayer caí en la tentación y me fumé un cigarro = I quit smoking three years ago, but yesterday I fell into temptation and I had one cigarette

12. Caer(se) de espalda/de cara/de pie, etc. = To fall on one’s back/ face/ to land on one’s feet

  • El gato de la vecina saltó del segundo piso y cayó de pie = The neighbour’s cat jumped from the first floor and landed on its feet.

Caerse de espalda is also used with a figurative meaning, as “to be bowled over, to be astonished”.

  • Cuando le dije a Lucas que me mudaba a México, se cayó de espalda = Lucas was bowled over when I told him I was going to move to Mexico

We hope that these Spanish idioms with caer will come in handy and will enrich your Spanish conversation.

If you want to learn more idioms with Spanish verbs, take a look at our previous posts!

Finally, we remind you that our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, is happy to provide you with Spanish courses and interesting cultural activities in Valencia.

¡Hasta pronto!