This weekend we will enjoy gastronomy and music in Valencia. If you want to know how and where, our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem tells you everything in this blog 😉

After so much study we all deserve a weekend of rest and fun…
Therefore, we have chosen some events where our students of the Spanish course can enjoy gastronomy and music in Valencia.

Let’s see in detail our suggestions for the weekend.

IV Jornadas de los Platos de Cuchara

Till the 1st of March
Various towns in Valencia province

Gastronomy is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant ways to get to know new cultures.

This weekend we will have the great opportunity to travel to the interior of the Valencian province and local taste traditional “spoon” dishes.

These IV Days of the Spoon Dishes is an initiative promoted by the Confederation of Hospitality and Tourism of the Valencian Community. It involves 10 municipalities in Utiel-Requena and Hoya de Buñol.

This area, that is well known because of the Utieñ-Requena Wine Route, enhances its tourist-gastronomic offer with this proposal finalized to promote what we commonly define “la cocina de toda la vida” (home-style traditional cooking).

In fact, 28 participating restaurants invite us to taste traditional recipes, typical of every town.
Among them, ollas de pueblo, migas, morteruelos, gachas, cold meat, etc.

We can also take advantage of these trips inland visiting tourist attractions and points of sale of local products.

Finally, we suggest you consult the full list of participating places and their menus.

A nice plan to get to know local traditions of the province interior with all the senses 🙂

Crash Vinyl – Punky vs Heavy

Saturday 16, from 12 a.m.
La Peligro, Plaza Honduras 37
Ticket: 8 euros including 1 drink

The best way to digest a good traditional meal is to dance all night …

This musical duel between Punk and Heavy provides an appealing plan for lovers of these two genres, who also have a lot of energy to stay awake all night long…

After a 3 live music shows concert, Djs will compete by playing vinyl and offering us all the best of their repertoires.

See you on the dance floor 🙂

Artichoke Week

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16
Mercado de Colón, Calle de Jorge Juan 19

Once again, we introduce another initiative that brings us closer to the local gastronomic culture.

This weekend we can take advantage of the last days of the Artichoke Week at the Mercado de Colón. A gastronomic initiative that promotes one of the star products of Valencian cuisine.

13 Market restaurants propose a special artichoke-based dish on their menus. It will be possible to taste this product in many ways: in vegan dishes and salads, in Japanese recipes or even in cocktails and liquor.

In addition, market shops will be selling products with artichokes, such as Iberian secret burgers with artichokes, Navarra artichokes and artichokes from local small vegetable gardens.

A tasty plan in a place full of history and arts…

Tramonto a Italia. Una historia de amor a través de la cantata

Sunday 16 at 7 p.m.
Convent Carmen, Plaza Portal Nuevo 6
Ticket: 10 euros

Tramonto a Italia is a musical proposal by Amystis that tells us stories and feelings through music.

This time the trio composed of a tenor, a viola da gamba and harpsichord will take us on a musical journey in which we will explore love-related human emotions.

This musical narrative will be developed around sonatas and arias by Scarlatti, Bononcini and Hendel.

A moving concert in a very charming place 😉

Finally we remind you that this Saturday Russafa celebrates its intercultural Carnival with a wonderful parade that will start in Calle Philippines at 17.00. To learn more about the Carnivals of the Valencian Community, go back to our previous post.

Furthermore, the open-air concerts at the Pérgola de la Marina still continue, as usual on Saturday morning at 11.30. This time Yana Sapphire, Rebe and Pleasant Dreams will play on La Pérgola stage.

As usual, we hope that our suggestions will make you know a little more about gastronomy and music in Valencia.

Our school E Rincón del Tándem wishes all its students of the Spanish course a nice weekend in Valencia and its province.
Finally, we also encourage you to practice Spanish while enjoying and having fun.

Enjoy the weekend!