If you still have no plans, we invite you to read our post about weekend events in Valencia. Our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, has, as always, made a small selection, so take a look! 😊
The time has come for students at our Spanish school to take a break from studying and take part in the weekend events in Valencia.
If you like theatre, dance and art in general, today’s post will help you make plans for the next two days.
Here we go!
From the 12th to the 22nd of May
Theatres and public spaces in Mislata
The VIII edition of the MAC- Mislata Art al Carrer opens today. Another essential event for lovers of the performing arts.
Like other Valencian festivals, the MAC has the merit of taking theatre and performances out of conventional spaces to reach a wider audience.
This year’s festival features around 15 renowned companies from all over Spain.
Until May 22, performances will take place in cultural centres, streets, squares, theatres and amphitheatres.
Here are some of the shows taking place this weekend:
- C-Dansa, Conservatorio profesional de Danza de Valencia. Friday 13 at 7pm in Gregorio Gea Av.
- A-TA-KA!, Cal y Canto. Avant-garde show inspired by the melted dreams of Salvador Dalí. At 7pm in Plaza Mayor.
- Out of Stock, Edu Manazas. Narration through the circus about work, people and their yearnings.
It all sounds too good to miss, doesn’t it?
Click here for the full programme of the festival.
Factoría d’Arts de Patraix
Till the 25th of May
Patraix neighbourhood
This weekend, Patraix celebrates the 5th edition of Factoría d’Arts.
Factoría D’Arts is an event whose aim is to revitalise the neighbourhood through art and culture, creating spaces for meetings and dialogue.
The event celebrates different types of arts, specifically illustration, music, dance and performing arts.
This Saturday the streets of the Patraix neighbourhood will be filled with voices and colours, thanks to a programme that includes activities for adults and kids.
In the rich calendar of Saturday 14th, we highlight some events, such as:
- Patarix illustration market, from 11am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9pm in Salabert Street.
- The Performance Policromia. Participatory allegory against intolerance. At 12.30pm in Salabert Street.
- El Passeig Muralisme. Street Art route in the Patraix neighbourhood, at 6.30pm.
- VICA Singer’s Circle Recital. Concert of Folk songs from Ireland and other charming places. At 7pm in Sankofa space.
For the full programme, please visit the event’s website.
Feria Andaluza de Valencia
Form the 13th to the 22nd of May
Solar de Marco Sopena, Calle Doctor Marcos Sopena 25 (Marina de Valencia)
The event, organised by the Federación de Entidades Culturales Andaluzas de la Comunidad Valenciana, moves this year to the Marina de Valencia.
In fact, the Solar de la calle Sopena will host this great festival until May 22. As usual, the fair will feature the typical Andalusian “casetas” and a rich programme of events.
Among them, there will be performances of traditional music and dances, a parade of flamenco dresses, and other cultural displays.
And, by the way, it will be an opportunity to taste the delights of Andalusian gastronomy and typical drinks such as rebujito and manzanilla…
Cicle Carme’n’Dansa: Nimbes
From the 12th to the 15th of May
Sala Carme Teatre, C/Gregorio Gea 6 bajo
Ticket: from 8 euros
This May the Teatre Carme celebrates the 5th edition of Carme’n’Dansa. A cycle dedicated to contemporary dance.
This weekend, the theatre will host Nimbes, by the Valencian company Fil d’Arena. Nimbes tells us through dance about the strength of women that comes from mutual support and networks.
The protagonists are not extraordinary women or heroines, but ordinary people who, in their daily lives or due to life circumstances, show courage and bravery.
Nimbes is also about networks, shared space and inherited wisdom that is passed on from one generation to the next.
You can get your ticket here 🙂
We hope you find our selection of weekend events in Valencia useful.
Finally, our Spanish language school El Rincón del Tándem invites you to enjoy the cultural life of Valencia and to continue practising your Spanish outside the classroom.
Happy weekend!