Today we celebrate spring, a beautiful season that brings colours and beauty everywhere. If you lack Spanish words to describe spring time, El Rincón del Tándem Spanish school will help you increase your seasonal vocabulary with this blog. Enjoy your reading!

Spring is our favourite season. Trees, plants and flowers blossoms and weather becomes warmer and more pleasant. To help our students of the Spanish course talk about spring we have listed some essential Spanish words and sayings.

Get a look at them to increase your seasonal vocabulary!

To begin with, when we speak about springtime, the first that comes to mind are colourful flower field and gardens. So, let’s see together what are theSpanish names of the most common flowers blossoming in spring.

flor de cerezo = cherry blossom

jacinto = hyacinth

narciso = daffodil

tulipán = tulip

amapola = poppy

margarita = daisy

girasol = sunflower

lirio = lily

rosa = rose

geranio = geranium

After learning the Spanish names for specific flowers, let’s go a little further. If you like gardening, you need to know some gardening-related words that you will surely find useful while practicing this hobby.

First of all, we should know how to name in Spanish the different parts of a flower. Like:

  • semilla (seed), pétalo (petal), tallo (stem), capullo (bud), hoja (leaf), raíz (root).

Secondly, let’s add some important verbs, like:

  • Plantar (to plant)

Maria ha plantato rosas rojas en su jardín = Maria planted red roses in her garden

  • Regar (to water)

Ana suele regar las plantas una vez al día = Ana usually waters her plants once a day

  • Germinar (to germinate, referred to seeds)

Las semillas de tulipán no han germinado todavía = Tulipan seeds haven’t germinated yet.

  • Brotar (to sprout/to bud, referred to plants that come up from the soil or leaves coming out from trees or plants)

Las alubias han brotado tarde este año = Beans sprouted late this year

Esta primavera han brotado muchas hojas del geranio = This spring many geranium leaves sprouted

  • Florecer (to blossom)

Los cerezos florecen en primavera = The cherry trees blossom in spring

Finally, Spanish language has many sayings; some of them are related to the weather, the seasons,  and the country life. Let’s see the ones Spaniards use the most.

La primavera la sangre altera

It is said that spring bring colours and joy into our lives. Weather gets warmer, people are more willing to go out, enjoy outdoor life and be open to new adventures. It is said that in spring love is in the air and people fall in love more easily.

Do you also believe that?

Golondrinas llegada, primavera empezada

The swallow (golondrina) is the most representative bird of spring. Swallows flying in the sky is a sign announcing the arrival of the spring.

Cuando marzo mayea, mayo marcea

Conventional wisdom warns us that very sunny and warm weather in March does not mean that weather will be still good in the upcoming months. On the contrary, it is believed that nice weather in March will bring a rainy May. That is, “if March is like May, May will be like March”.

En abril aguas mil

In Spain April is usually rainy, especially in parts of the country that are usually dry. The rainfalls are usually abundant and beneficial for crops and fields. The saying Abril llovedero llena el granero confirms that.

Hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo

Usually in early June, the weather is quite changeable and temperature may suddenly fall, especially in the night. The 40th of May refers to 9th of June, so, do not trust much good weather on these days and bear it in mind when choosing outfits.

We hope this blog will help you talk about spring in Spanish. Do not forget to increasing your vocabulary by using Spanish words in daily situations and creating new sentences with them.

While staying at home, do not miss the chance to keep working on your Spanish by watching Spanish movies, reading newspapers and studying grammar.

Also, we remind you that our Spanish school continues delivering online Spanish lessons. Get in contact with us to know more!

Stay tuned!