Today we will learn how to use the Spanish words: Pronto vs Temprano. If you still mix them up while speaking in Spanish, take a look at this short explanation. El Rincón del Tándem Spanish school will help you avoid any mistake 😊

In today’s Spanish lesson we will have a look at the difference between Spanish words pronto and temprano. For sure at some stage of your Spanish learning you weren’t sure which of these adverbs to use.

Let’s see together the main difference in order to avoid any mistake in a future 😊

The Spanish adverb PRONTO

Pronto means soon, quickly, little time after something else or sooner than expected. In some cases, it can be translated into English with the word “fast”.


  • Hemos llegado pronto porque hemos cogido el metro = We took a metro so we arrived quickly/ early
  • No te preocupes, nos vemos pronto = Don’t worry, we’ll see each other son
  • Tenemos que entregar la obra pronto = We have to deliver the work fast

The Spanish adverb TEMPRANO

Spanish adverb temprano also means sooner than expected but unlike pronto, it also means early in the morning (or at night).

  • Me levanto temprano durante de la semana, a las 7 = I get up early during the week, at 7
  • Hoy voy a acostarme temprano, estoy muy cansado = Today I’m going to sleep early, I’m very tired

Temprano is also use as an adjective, meaning early, premature.

  • Este año ha habido floración temprana de los cerezos = This year there has been premature blossoming of cherry trees

Lastly, can you see the difference between these phrases?

  • Voy a levantarme pronto (I will get up soon.) = in couple of minutes from now
  • Voy a levantarme temprano (I will get up early.) = early in the morning

WE hope this short article helps you understand the difference between the Spanish words: Pronto vs Temprano.

Lastly, our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, invites you to keep improving your Spanish mastering new Spanish words and learning how to use them properly.

¡Hasta luego!