Today we speak about Spanish words: otro, otra, otros, otras. They are indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Learn how to use them correctly by taking a look at El Rincón del Tándem Spanish school’s blog! Enjoy your reading 😊

Spanish words otro, otra, otros, otras are indefinite adjective and pronouns.
They are used to refer to one or more items of the same kind. In English we would translate them as “other”, “another” or “one more”.

Let’s see some examples to understand it better:

  • El bolígrafo que me has dado no escribe. ¿Tienes otro? = The pen you gave me doesn’t write. Do you have another one?
  • ¿Sábes si hay otro restaurante por aquí cerca? Éste no tiene menú para veganos = Do you know if there is another restaurant nearby? This one doesn’t have a vegan menu.

When otro, otra, otros, otras works as indefinite adjectives, they must agree in gender and number with the nouns they refer.

  • Por favor, ¡dame otra oportunidad! = Please, give me another chance!
  • No quiero quedarme aquí para siempre. Tengo otros planes para mi futuro = I don’t want to stay here forever. I have other plans for my future

When otro, otra, otros, otras works as pronouns they replace the noun, therefore they are used alone.

  • Lucía tiene un piso en la ciudad y otro en el pueblo = Lucía has a flat in the city and another in the village
  • Se me quemó el biscocho. Voy a hacer otro = I burnt my cake. I’m going to make another one
  • ¿Ésta bicicleta es la única disponible o puedo alquilar otra? = Is this the only bike available or can I rent another one?

Also, indefinite pronouns and adjectives can be used with other grammar elements that define or change the nouns. For instance, demonstrative and possessive adjectives, definitive articles, numeric adjectives, etc.).

  • He cogido otros dos paraguas, por si acaso = I took two more umbrellas, just in case
  • Tenemos dos opciones: una es coger le tren y la otra es ir andando = We have two options: one is to take the train and the other is to walk
  • Mi hija mayor irá a tu fiesta. Mis otras hijas no pueden = My eldest daughter will go to your party. My other daughters can’t

Look out!

Indefinite pronouns and adjective cannot be used with indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas).

We hope that this short article about Spanish words: otro, otra, otros, otras will be helpful to you 😊

In order to deepen your knowledge of indefinites, we suggest you to read our previous post on the indefinite pronouns Alguien, algo, nadie, nada.

Lastly, our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, is happy to provide you with Spanish courses here in Valencia and help you master Spanish fast!

¡Hasta pronto!