Have you ever heard the Spanish expression “a ver”? Have you ever asked yourself what its exact meaning is? Our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem talks about it in this blog. Get a look at it!

Spanish language has plenty of idioms and expressions. Getting to know their meaning and learning how to use them properly in oral Spanish will help Spanish students to improve their communication skills and start speaking like a native. The Spanish expression “ a ver” is formed by the preposition a + the infinitive of the verb ver. It is one of the most commonly used by Spanish speakers and has multiple meanings and uses. Let’s see them one by one!

1. In Spanish a ver is used when the speaking person wants to draw the attention of the other person when it comes with asking him/her a question, to ask for something, to ask or order him/her to do something. It is used at the beginning of the sentence.


A ver, ¿has hecho todos tus deberes? = Let’s see, have you done all your homework?

A ver, tráeme los resultados del examen para que los vea = Bring me the results of your exam so that I can get a look at them!

2. We can also find this expression before a clause introduced by “si”. In this case, it can express several speaker’s intentions, according to the contexts:

Curiosity, expectancy or challenge

¡A ver si adivinas lo que hay en la caja! = Let’s see if you guess what is inside the box!

¡A ver si cumple con su promesa! = Let’s see if he keeps the promise!

¡A ver si este cómico es tan divertido como dicen! = Let’s see if this comedian is as funny as they said

A ver si te atreves a cuestionar su decisión = Let’s see if you dare to question her decision.

Fear or suspect

A ver si te caes de la silla = You may fall off the chair

Wish or order

A ver si te portas bien en casa de tu abuela = Let’s see if you will behave at grandmother’s house

A ver si te centras más en tus estudios de ahora en adelante = Let’s see if you will focus more on your studies from now on

3. In other cases “a ver” introduces an indirect interrogative sentence with the aim to express expectancy or interest in knowing something.

A ver cuándo nos comunican las fechas de los exámenes = Let’s see when we will be informed about the exam dates

A ver cuándo podremos volver a la escuela = Let’ see when we will be able to go back to school

4. When followed by a question mark, it is used to ask the other person to let us see or check something.

– He comprado un vestido nuevo = I have bought a new dress

– ¿A ver? = Let me see it!

– ¿Te gusta mi nuevo corte de pelo? = Do you like my new haircut?

– ¿A ver? = Let me see it!

5. In Spanish we can use this expression as the equivalent of “claro” (naturally, of course).

– Al final vas a comprar otro móvil? = Will you buy another mobile?

– ¡A ver! No tengo otra opción; este ya no funciona = Of course! I do not have choice as this one does not work anymore.

We hope you enjoyed this blog about the Spanish expression “a ver”. From now on, try to use it when possible; that will make your conversation in Spanish sounds more authentic.

Our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem in Valencia encourages you to further your Spanish studies, practicing theory and grammar every day.

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Till the next blog