Homophones are pronounced the same but they are written differently and have different meanings. For example, we can write porque together or separately.  Do you know the diference?

The Spanish language is one of the most expressive languages in the world and has an endless vocabulary. During our Spanish classes we advise students to read in Spanish and thus expand their vocabulary. Of course, the meaning of all officially existing words can be found on the web of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For example, how is the word spelled correctly, porque together or separately?

In the same way, to master Spanish well you need to be able to speak and write well. However, at the time of writing we usually have different doubts, including with homophones. Last month we talked  about the meaning of some of them and today we will continue with the topic.

Porque, porqué, por que, por qué


It is a conjunction that expresses cause. It is equivalent to ya que, dado que y puesto que.

Compré las entradas al cine online porque quería evitar cola = I bought the tickets to the online cinema because I wanted to avoid queuing.

Vine en autobús porque mi coche estaba en el taller = I came by bus because my car was in the workshop.

Likewise, it can be used to express purpose, being equivalent to para que.

Estudió mucho porque aprobara los exámenes = He studied hard because he passed the exams.



It is a masculine noun equivalent to cause or motive. It is usually preceded by an article, it also admits the plural form.

Quisiera saber el porqué de tu actitud con Marta = I would like to know the reason for your attitude with Marta

Antes de juzgar a alguien, hay que saber sus porqués = Before judging someone, you have to know their whys


Por que

It is the combination of the preposition por  and the relative pronoun que, which is usually accompanied by an article before it (el/la/los/las que, el/la cual and los/las cuales). In this case el/la/los/las que can be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence.

No sabemos las razones por (las) que nos llamaste = We do not know the reasons why you called us

El ordenador por  (el) que vine estaba roto = The computer that I came for was broken

Había unos temas por los cuales estábamos muy preocupados = There were some issues for which we were very concerned

Another combination is the preposition por more subordinating conjunction que. That is, after a subordinate sentence goes.

Estaba nervioso por que llegase sin retraso = I was nervous about him coming without delay

Decidimos por que no celebrar la fiesta = We decided why not celebrate the party


Por qué

It is the combination of the preposition por and the interrogative qué.  It is used in sentences with direct or indirect interrogation.

No entiendo por qué no te gusta este jersey = I do not understand why you do not like this jersey

¿Por qué no fuiste ayer a la boda de Carmen? = Why did not you go to Carmen’s wedding yesterday?


As you can see, the meaning of homophones changes significantly. However, with examples it is quite easy to understand the use of each one.

Also, if you have been left with doubts, at our Spanish school in Valencia we will be happy to help you learn Spanish. Ask us your budget here and start your adventure in Valencia!

Greetings and until the next blog!