The Spanish language is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. Perhaps this is the reason why many people choose to study Spanish, for its beauty and its growing importance throughout the world. If you have not yet decided to learn the language of Cervantes, we suggest a list of the beautiful Spanish words.

Spanish is the third most used language in the world, after English and Mandarin Chinese. It is currently the mother tongue of more than 480 million people, most of whom live in Spain or the Americas. In addition, according to data from the Cervantes Institute, 577 million people around the world already speak.  Thanks to this enormous extension, the Spanish language has a lot of diversity, likewise, the dictionary of the RAE already contains 88,000 words. Therefore, so much linguistic richness leads to the existence of many beautiful Spanish words.


The 15 most beautiful words in Spanish

Compasión – feeling of grief, of tenderness and of identification before the evils of someone

Efímero – that which lasts for a very short period of time

Alba – first light of the day before sunrise

Infinito – that has no end or term

Época – period of time determined in the story or in the life of a person

Sempiterno – that will last forever

Inefable – something so incredible that it can not be expressed in words

Perenne – continuous, incessant, that has no intermission

Serendipia – fortunate and unexpected finding that occurs when you are looking for something else

Etéreo – extremely delicate and light, something out of this world

Luminiscencia – property of a body emitting a weak light, but visible in the dark

Bonhomía – honesty, simplicity and kindness in character and behavior

Soledad – a state of isolation or seclusion at perfect times

Melancolía – vague, deep and permanent sadness that makes those who suffer from it find neither pleasure nor fun at all

Arrebol – when the clouds acquire a red color when illuminated by the sun’s rays


Which of the words did you like the most? During our Spanish courses we study curious words such as those published in the link that we propose below. Here you can find a more extended list of beautiful words from Spanish. Soon we will publish more posts related to the Spanish words that will help you to complement your Spanish classes.

Until the next blog!