As you may have noticed, Thursday 6 December was a special day, namely: Day of the Constitution. This was not only in Valencia, but throughout Spain. Many shops were closed this day, a large part of all restaurants and cafes were open. Our Spanish school Escuela El Tándem had also closed its doors. The Día de la Constitución is followed by Suturday 8 December, Immaculate Conception. Read more about these holidays in our blog.

The Day of the Constitution is a Spanish holiday on 6 December. This day commemorates the approval of the Spanish Constitution on 6 December 1978, also the current constitution was adopted. Various ceremonies and activities are organized that are dedicated to this constitution.

The origins

In 1977 the first democratic election was held. This election was the starting point for the new democratic change and the new constitution. This constitution is the foundation of the Spanish nation and defends the rights and freedoms of the population. It also protects Spanish culture, language, tradition and the economy. The continuation of Spanish democracy did not happen much later, this happened when a new king appointed. Therefore, became Spain divided into regions. These regions had their own power, government, parliament and legislative and executive power. Some had more powers, such as Catalonia and the Basque Country. Their own official language, various schools, health care and police. In short, this Día de la Constitución reminds Spaniards that they could live in a democracy.

Most Spaniards are free on this 6 December. They will spend almost the entire day with family and friends. High school students may read a part of the constitution. In addition, the king also gives a speech every year an there are parades throughout the country.

Immaculate Conception

Then followed is Suturday, December 8, Immaculate Conception, or better known as the day of the immaculate conception of Maria. This is a dogma of the Catholic Church that is well celebrated. The dogma confirms the special status of Maria by stating that she was conceived and came into the world without being stained with the original sin. A public holiday in Spain, but this day is also celebrated in Italy, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Colombia and many more.

We hope you enjoyed our blog. Our Spanish school wish you a great weekend and we would love to see you on Monday. You can click here if you want to read more about Spanish traditions and holidays