Are you ready to make the most of this weekend? We suggest some cultural plans that will not leave you indifferent. Check out the blog of our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem to know more 😉

Time at school flies and Friday has already come.To make our students of the Spanish course spend nice days of rest and enjoyment, we invite everybody to read our proposals of cultural plans.

All the events that we have selected encourage us to live the culture in a sociable, fun and interactive way.

Let’s see them in detail!

IV TEM Anniversary

Saturday 9th, from 11.30 am
Teatro el Musical, Plaza del Rosario 3
Free entrance

The Theater El Musical is one of the most dynamic cultural spaces in the city.

Located in the heart of Cabañal, it stems from the idea of promoting culture and at the same time creating meeting spaces among and with people of the neighbourhood.

To celebrate its IV anniversary, TEM will host a full day of shows and music.

In fact, the program will start on Saturday morning at 11.30 am and will continue until the afternoon, offering performances, street shows and concerts.

The event will continue at night with a great party. This music evening will be animated by three DJs, each one with its own original artistic identity.

Firstly, there will be an electronic session with funky rhythms (DJ Kalabrese), secondly, we will dance to Jamaican and electro-cumbia rhythms (DJ Nona Sound) and, lastly, we will end up enjoying a very original repertoire enriched by Latin and African influences. (Bemol Inquieta Dj)

Finally, we remind you that admission is free. Daytime shows are free until seating capacity is reached. To participate in the Night Party it is necessary to get a free invitation at the TEM box office, by Saturday morning.

We are going to join this cultural festival. Are you also coming?

DOCS València

Till the 16 of November
Several spaces of the city

DOCS València is back again! An unmissable appointment of the Valencian cultural panorama that cinema lover shouldn’t miss.

DOCS València is the international documentary film festival of Valencia. That is, a cultural non-fiction event that aims to convey authentic views and diverse perspectives on reality.

In fact, all audio-visual productions deal with social topics of great interest in order to raise awareness and promote a positive transformation of reality.

The programming foresees three different sections. “Miradas”, section of Valencian feature films, “Fragments” section of Valencian short films and “Panoramas”, which includes national productions.

In addition to the projections, there will be a series of talks and forums with experts, including the meeting with the French philosopher and sociologist Gilles Lipotevsky and the one with Silvia Iturbe consultant and expert in marketing and internationalization of digital projects.

Finally, we point out that the Festival will take place at different venues: Colegi Major Doctor Peset, La Filmoteca, La Mutant, Nolich and October CCC.

To learn more about the program, we invite you to check the Festival website.

Are you ready to look at the world from a new perspective?

Llibreries Fest

Until the 12th of November
Several bookshops
Free activities

Today, November 8th, is the Day of the Bookstores and all Spain is getting ready to celebrate it in a big way for the 9th consecutive year.

Valencia has already begun to celebrate it with the Fiesta de las Librería . An event that will last until next Tuesday, offering many activities.

Some bookstores in the city will host varied events for all types of audiences. Among them, theatre performances, workshops of literary creation, concerts, storytelling and even gastronomic activities.

Of course, book and literature will be the guiding thread of all of them…

The Festival is organized by the Association of Valencian booksellers in collaboration with the FULL Foundation. The objective of the event is to promote bookstores not only as cultural spaces, but also as a space for socialization and building community.

That will be a unique opportunity to appreciate literature in another way.

II Brazilian Festival “Amarelo Mango”

Sunday 10th, from 12 pm to 7 pm
La Casa de la Mar, Avenida Novelista Blasco Ibáñez 8, Alboraya
Ticket: 3 euros

To end the weekend in a great way, we encourage you to take part in this Festival of Brazilian culture.

This year, La Casa del Mar will host the second edition of this event that celebrates the meeting between Brazilian and Valencian culture.

The Festival will allow us to get familiar with Brazil in many ways. For example, through food, by savoring typical dishes and drinks such as feijoada, caipirinha and pan de queso.

In addition, it will be possible to know more about the country, through the exhibition of food products, fashion and art from Brazil.

And finally, we will enjoy the most representative musical styles such as Samba, Bossa Nova, forró and Brazilian pop-rock.

There will be a lot of joy and good energy in this intercultural party!

Finally, we remind you that the Gastrónoma event (Feria de Valencia) will also take place this weekend. A Mediterranean gastronomic fair that brings together professionals and that offers us a rich program of debates, tastings, workshops, forums, showcookings and much more.

Besides, we also encourage all wine lovers to attend the Wine Weekend, which celebrates its 5th edition with wine, vermouth and tapas tasting and live music at Palau Alameda.

We hope this blog helps you plan a beautiful weekend, rich in cultural plans.

From our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem we encourage you to enjoy the cultural richness of Valencia. And of course, to practice Spanish with your new friends.

Have a nice weekend!