Today we are going to explain the difference between the two Spanish verbs: Ver and Mirar. If you still do not how to use them properly in Spanish, our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem will help you master both in no time 😊
Teachers of our Spanish school are frequently asked about the difference between the Spanish verbs: ver and mirar.
Both verbs belong to the list of essentials verbs that every student of Spanish language must absolutely know when starting learning Spanish and having basic conversation in everyday life.
Therefore, let’s see in a nutshell when and how we should use one or another.
The Spanish verb VER
Firts of all, we use VER to express the general act of seeing. That is, the act of perceiving though the sense of vision.
- Esta mañana vi a tu abuela en el mercado = This morning I saw your grandmother at the market
- No veo bien. ¿Puedes encender la luz? = I can’t see clearly. Could you switch the light on?
Secondly, we use VER to mean “to see/ to watch” (a movie, a football match, a sporting event, a theatre play, etc.)
- He visto todas las temporadas de Juegos de Tronos = I have watched all Game of Thrones’ seasons
- ¿Vemos el partido de rugby en mi casa esta noche? = Shall we watch the rugby match at my house tonight?
Thirdly, the Spanish verb VER is used to express understanding.
- No veo cuál es el objetivo de este viaje = I cannot see/understand what is the real purpose of this trip
- María no ve que necesitamos su ayuda = Maria doesn’t see/understand that we need her help
Also, VER is commonly used to indicate the act of visiting somebody.
- Este fin de semana vamos a ver a nuestros padres = This weekend we are going to see/visit our parents
- ¡Ven a verme de vez en cuando! = Come and see me once in a while!
Laslty, we also find VER in the Spanish expression “a ver”. Go back to our previous post to know everything abuout one of the most frequently used set phrase in Spanish 😉
The Spanish verb MIRAR
Unlike VER, the verb MIRAR is never used to express mere seeing or an accidental action.
Hence, MIRAR always refer to a deliberate action. It is translated in English as looking, watching, gazing.
- ¡Mira estos pájaros rojos! Son preciosos… = Look at this red birds! They are beautiful
- La miré en los ojos y le pedí que no se marchara = I looked into her eyes and I asked her not to leave
Lastly, MIRAR can be also used to refer to the position or orientation or something. In English we would say “to look” or “to face”:
- Mi habitación de hotel miraba a la plaza principal = My hotel room looked/faced the main square
We really hope that this blog on the difference between the Spanish verbs: Ver and Mirar helped you master both verbs.
As always, we encourage you to make the most of your Spanish lessons and keep practicing the language inside and outside the classroom.
Finally, our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem in Valencia wishes you a nice day!
¡Hasta luego!