Today we will dive into colloquial language to learn some Spanish idioms with comerse. Take a look at the blog of El Rincón del Tándem Spanish school to learn expressions that will make you sound like a native Spanish speaker.

In our previous post we have talked about the difference between the Spanish verbs Comer and comerse. So, today we focus on the Spanish idioms with comerse.

First of all, we remind you that comerse is the pronominal form of the Spanish verb comer.

Secondly, comerse is used in colloquial language and informal speech and its usage is optional.

Thirdly, although comerse and comer indicate the same action (to eat), comerse can be only used to refer to specific quantity of food.

Today, we will explore other meanings that comerse can have when used in idiomatic expressions.
Let’s start!

1. Comerse = Gastar/derrochar

When used with nouns, like money, saving, etc. comerse means “to blow, to use up”.

  • María se comió todos sus ahorros el verano pasado = Maria has used up all her saving last summer
  • En cinco años se comió toda la herencia = In five years he has blowed all his hineritance

2. Comerse las palabras o las letras = omitir palabras o letras

  • Cuando está enfadada habla rápido y se come las palabras = When she is upset, she swallows words
  • La periodista se comió unas letras en su artículo = The journalist has swallowed some letters in the article

3. Comerse algo = chocar contra algo

  • Me comí las plantas del jardín mientras intentaba aparcar = I hit the plants of the garden while I was parking my car

4. Comerse = Corroer

  • El óxido se ha comido el metal = Rust has corroded the metal

Fnally, let’s take a look at some of the Spanish idioms you will hear very frequently from Spaniards:

5. Comerse el coco o el tarro

This expression means “to worry about something, to fret, to think steadily about something”.

  • No te comas el coco; seguro que has aprobado el examen de historia = Don’t worry about it; I am sure you will pass the history exam

6. Comerse a alguien

It means “to blow up at someone”

  • ¡Si Rubén se atreve a hacerme algún reproche, me lo como! = If Rubén dares give me a reproach, I am going to blow up at him!

7. Comerse a besos a alguien

“To cover somebody with kisses”.

  • Cada vez que voy a visitarla, la abuela me come a besos = Any time I visit my grandmother, she covers me with kisses

We hope that these Spanish idioms with comerse will help you improve your speaking skills and sound like a native ?

If you want to learn about other Spanish verbs, take a look at our previous posts!

Finally, we remind you that our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, is happy to provide you with a friendly and cosy place in Valencia, where you can study Spanish by having fun.

¡Hasta pronto!