When studying Spanish, it’s hard to remember the differences between coger and tomar.

First of all, when learning the usage of these Spanish verbs, it is important to not only focus on their meaning, but to understand in which context you can use them in order to avoid confusion. The verb coger has many meanings, it mainly means to pick up, gather or to grab something quickly or with power. For example: ¡Coge estos zapatos, son los últimos que quedan!

It’s especially when using this Spanish verb with this meaning, that it’s essential to think about the context. This is because you could confuse it with another verb with the same sense that is tomar. It’s important to not remember their differences by the translation “to take” their usage is different.

Tomar generally refers to abstract things or concepts. For instance: Ayer tomé una importante decision. In this sentence tomar can be translated into “to take”, however, with material things you have to use coger. For example, estuve en biblioteca y cogí un libro. In this sentence, you can’t use tomar, even if in english you translate it into to take a book.

Another difference that you have to be aware of, is that the use of these words depends on the nation. For instance, in South America is very common to use tomar whith means of transport , while In Spain people use coger. Tomar/Coger el metro. Why study spanish in Spain?

On the other hand, in some contexts their use is completely different.


To eat/to drink: ¿Mañana tomamos algo juntos?

To take notes: Hoy en clase he tomado muchos apuntes.

When giving directions: Toma la segunda calle a la izquierda.



To catch people or animals that are escaping: por fin la policía cogió al ladrón.

To understand: Ella es alemana, no cogió el sentido de lo que le dijiste.

To catch a flu: Coger un resfriado.

To get someone red-handed: El dueño de la tienda cogió a los niños robando.

To take someone by surprise: Me asusté porque me cogió por sorpresa.

To catch someone at a specific time: Perdóname por haberte tratado mal, ayer me cogiste en mal momento.


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